Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Scrap Originals Winner and layout!

Have you ever finished a post to go back to it later to edit and then it gets deleted?!?!?  Then you understand my frustration!  This post had been typed once before...

Anyway...  A few weeks ago Pamela Funk-Parr, designer of Scrap Originals, posted a free kit called "Ocean Breeze" in the store at Two Peas in a Bucket.  She encouraged anyone who designed a layout with it to link it back to her Scrap Originals Blog for a chance to win a new kit that was coming out.  Well, she emailed me this weekend, and I won (along with a friend of mine) her new "Everyday" kit.  It came out in the store at Two Peas yesterday and it is B E A U T I F U L!!!!  I was so excited to use it that I volunteered to stay up at the house while Bean napped when everyone else was down at the dock listening to the Buffett coverband (I only missed an hour of the band though).

The layout I submitted was "Balancing Act" and I also used it for "Stomach Sleeper", which I posted yesterday from the "Digital Pea in the Spotlight" layout.  Below you'll find a picture of the kit "Everyday", as well as the layout I scrapped with it.  This is one of my favorites thus far!

I've been seeing a lot of layouts in the Two Peas Gallery where they've extracted part of a photo and then used it as an overlay on the background.  I thought this photo was perfect for trying that technique out!  Thanks Pamela!  This kit is gorgeous!  If you haven't checked out some of the great kits from Scrap Originals, I really encourage you to take a look.  The word that comes to mind when I think of Pamela's kits is "refreshing".  I just have a feeling of wide open spaces and a clean scrapping page when I see them.


JenR. said...

Test... having trouble with comments.

Lisa (StuffMummyMakes) said...

beautiful page! And yes, it's very frustrating when that happens to posts lol! Great blog! xx