Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July Muffin Tin Monday

Today's Muffin Tin Monday meal was fun to make!  Being the Fourth of July weekend, we went with that theme.  I found these great hot dog holders and cupcake liners in the dollar bins at JoAnn Fabrics:
SO CUTE!!!  I turned the liners inside out so that you could see the stars and used the hot dog holders as the muffin tins!  Here's what the kids ate:

 The top picture is Cocoa's and consists of (going down the left side, then the right...) Red, White and Blue cupcake; Amish Baby Swiss cheese; strawberries and blueberries with whipped cream;  blue finger jello star; milk; blue finger jello star; ketchup; naked chicken fingers.  Bean's is a watered down version, with some graham crackers to go along.  Of course, he played in his more than he ate the food.  But Cocoa had just come in from tubing on the lake, and she was hungry!


Anonymous said...

I love the tins. I never would have thought they would have them a JoAnn's.

Great meal! I bet tubing was fun.

Jen said...

great idea. I have some of those as well.