Sunday, July 18, 2010

We're home and meal planning

Boo.  We had to leave the beach.  I wouldn't want to be there during hurricane season, but I would love to live there.  There's nothing like stepping out on the deck first thing in the morning and being greeted by the ocean.  Of course, I was greeted by screaming Bean, so I'm just conjuring morning memories from two years ago.

I'm completely exhausted after doing most of the driving home over the past two days (more on that later).  So, I'm going to post my menu plan and spend the rest of the week catching up.  I have stories, cute muffin tin meals, pictures, etc.  But, here's this weeks meal plan:

Monday: Beef Stroganoff, corn, applesauce (Mr. Pepper's favorite.  He suffered an injury on vaca and deserves some comfort food.  I'll be making his favorite cookie, Oatmeal Scotchies, with Cocoa later in the week as well).

Tuesday: Oriental chicken soup, Bob Evan's rolls (I miss soup)

Wednesday: Meatloaf, baked potatoes, peaches (just need a good meatloaf recipe)

Thursday: leftovers

Friday: Spaghetti with homemade sauce, garlic bread, green beans

Saturday: Friend's wedding

Sunday: Tacos, crockpot apple dumplings


Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Oh, man! How I miss the beach! We are too far inland - KS that we have to make a trip. Great looking meal plan! I'm definitely putting the crockpot apple dumpings on the menu. Those look delish and I've got a bunch of apples to use up!