Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Time is Here

For the next three weeks, the Muffin Tin Monday theme (should you choose to accept it) is "Holidays".  We celebrate Christmas, so I was super pumped to do a Christmas theme!  Then, we thought we were having a showing and wouldn't be home, but Cocoa got sick and the showing fell through.  WHAT'S A MOM TO DO WITH A THEME?!?!!?  Praise Santa for Rudolph!  We ate food that the reindeer would enjoy!

A: bananas and blackberries
B: oats (granola and a few chocolate chips)
C: apples
D: Snowflake and moon shaped PB&J (well, every time I think of reindeer I see Santa flying in his sleigh in front of the moon... that's where that came from)
E: carrots
F: snow covered in holly leaves and berries (cottage cheese with holly/berry sprinkles)

I got these rockin' (flimsy) tins at Target in the dollar bins.  I also got a snowflake one... only $2.50!

Now one of these days I'll post our Thanksgiving tin. Happy Monday!


Jessica said...

I bought those same rock'n tins at Target too! They make great snowman pumpkin bead! Great job! We did a Christmas book theme, hop over to my blog to enter a Christmas Giveaway of MTM foods!!! http://jessicajabber.blogspot.com/2010/12/muffin-tin-monday-christmas-giveaway.html

SnoopyGirl said...

Cute tins and a fun lunch! Happy Monday!

Anonymous said...

I'll go with the tie-in of the moon and star :) Nice job getting a muffin tin meal in with all the craziness in life!

Tonya Hache said...

I love those tins!
Great idea!
Thanks for sharing

<3 Rockabye Butterfly


Casey Wright said...

Ooh! Love these! Thanks for the ideas - hope all is well :)

Melissa said...

I love how cottage cheese can look so festive when it's molded into a snowman shape and dotted with cute red and green sprinkles. :o)

Jessica said...

Congrats Java you won the give-away on my blog. Email me your address and I'll mail you your goodies!!!

Jessica said...

Jen I emailed you for your address, but in case you didn't get it you can email me at rjdohner@yahoo.com