Monday, October 4, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - Circus

Happy Monday everyone!  This week's Muffin Tin Monday theme is CIRCUS!  My kids have never been to a circus, but they enjoyed the lunch anyway.  I'll have to find a circus video online to show them.

A - Pineapple clowns
B - Cheese hot dog
C - Peanut (for the elephants)
D - Strong man's dumb bell (cucumber)
E - Cheese hot dog
F - Elephant ears (cut up).  They originally looked like this:
And you can find the recipe for them here.
Cocoa ate her entire tin lunch and then said "I'm still hungry".  She then proceeded to eat what Bean didn't finish.  The kid has a wooden leg, I swear.  Or two stomachs.  I don't know how the kid is so skinny!  To top off the Circus experience, I found some clown noses and glasses at the Dollar Store.  ENJOY!
Ah... I love that you can see a pile of dirty towels behind Bean.
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


Dana said...

Love the dumbells and clown noses! Very cute!

Anonymous said...

I love the noses. The tin is wonderful. You have so many circus tie-ins.

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Super yummy tins and love the clown noses...lol

In The Kitchen With AUdrey said...

I love a clown nose and a sippy!

Single Mama to Ngoc said...

Very cute MTM and love the clown noses

Casey Wright said...

These look fun! Love it!