Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Too Good to be True

... but it is!  Vinnie Pearce, a designer at Two Peas in a Bucket was holding a drawing on her blog to win her amazing and HUGE new kit "Journey Back".  I left a comment and was the random winner!  Here's the kit I won:
This doesn't do it justice.  You would not BELIEVE the amount of goodness in here. And right now, all of Vinnie's designs are 25% at Two Peas.  Below is the first (of many, I'm sure) I did with this collection.

There's something funky going on with the alignment, so I need to fix it.  I just couldn't wait to share it before I did!  Also, below is another layout I finished from Karen Funk's "Color My World" collection.  Coincidentally, this is another kit I won this week.  I'm on a random-comment-winning role!